What is the Sustainable Construction Programme?

The sustainable construction programme is a student initiative at Oxford Brookes University which aims to raise awareness of sustainable construction as well as providing practical experience in sustainable building. Workshops involve hands-on tuition from sustainable construction experts for a small group of students and these are followed by an evening lecture to a wider audience.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Is anyone interested in building an ecohouse?

Is anyone interested in building an ecohouse in the university (if we can get permission). Seeing as half of the university is currently a building site this could be a possible proposal. The building could be used to hold further sustainable building workshops (good marketing for the university), lectures etc. The labour would be free and all volunteers would get a valuable experience to add to their CV's. I think it would be a good project to do over the summer, when other deadlines are finished. It could perhaps be done over a series of weekends. As Bob from the lime centre showed - with enough people and good organisation it is possible to do this in a short space of time. I know of a few people who would be interested in this already. If we could set up a list and a meeting for interested parties this might be possible..

Let me know what you think...Clare Nunneley

1 comment:

What are Sustainable Construction Workshops? said...

I'm wondering whether this could be a DS9 project for a group of people..?